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accessibility مقيّم بأنه مناسب لمن يبلغ 3 أعوام فما فوق update 2022-07-29

تحميل Volume Control - Volume Slider Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Volume Control Volume Slider تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أدوات.
تحميل النسخة v6.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-07-29 بحجم 17M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير REMI Apps ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.1 والأحدث.

التحكم في مستوى الصوت والتحكم في الصوت والتحكم في مكبر الصوت وإضفاء الطابع الشخصي على أسلوبك. Either you have the quantity key or your Android device’s quantity hardware keys are broken, you may manage the volume from the app. It is small in length. You can alternate the quantity from notification panel.

Volume Control Styles
apps will allow you customize the more than one volumes like ringtone volume, alarm, media quantity, notification quantity, and many others.

Volume Control - Volume Slider is an outstanding app that helps you to take
manage of your device extent

Main functions:

- User-pleasant, easy, neat, small and free
- Quick setup and easy controls
- Adjust the volume quickly with the
sliding volume bar

- Volume Control: Allows to manipulate extent in your android smartphone
“Volume manage – volume slider” offers many unique sliders for volume streams which includes alarms and notifications
- Smooth animations. Smooth controls
Speakerphone manipulate, sound manage, extent control

- Change quantity panel orientation with slide left / proper or up / down controls.
- Set maximum quantity vibration for high profile quantity styles
- Choose exceptional quantity slider styles coloration and design
Control tune media volume
to set volume for you

Custom Volume Panel
app provides the following middle capability for extent manipulate:
Ring volume

Notification volume

Alarm quantity

Voice call quantity

System sounds volume

Personalize your volume style

- Style the volume panel precisely how you like:
- Apply the colours you need
- Change the corner radius
- Volume manage panel function on display
- Volume panel display duration
- and greater!

Increase existence of extent keys of your phone with “Volume Control - Volume Slider” software.

Accessibility Service

This app makes use of Accessibility offerings.
The Accessibility Service is needed to permit the quantity panel to expose whilst you click on your quantity buttons.
The provider is not used for anything else and it does not watch or acquire any statistics.
On a few gadgets, whilst granting the Accessibility Service, a popup may also display saying the app can be capable of study text you kind, such as non-public information. Volume Styles does not examine any of this records and does not reveal the textual content you type. The extent buttons are the only buttons/keys that the Accessibility Service monitors, so that the custom volume panel can be shown.

If you like it, please deliver us a five-stars score to guide developer and leave feedback or propose us any features.

Thank you for downloading and the usage of our application!

- App calls for permission to run carrier in historical past.
- Some telephones kill the heritage service. Those users want to follow steps mentioned inside the app..

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تحميل APK النسخة 6.0 المجانية Free Download

يمكنك تحميل Volume Control - Volume Slider APK 6.0 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من متجر الأندرويد العربي.


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