تطبيق Messenger for messages video تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات اتصالات وإنترنت.
تحميل النسخة v4.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-12-03 بحجم 6٫5M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Star technology ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 6.0 والأحدث.
Messenger for group video chat, video calls, voice calls & text messaging.
Use our Messenger for free messages, chat and video calls to connect with your family and friends.
This is a free, simple and a fast app which saves time and space on your phone and gives you access to all social media platforms such as facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter, wordpress, news, linkedin, wechat, etc from one platform.
It is a safe and convenient platform which helps you organize your social media content and messages.
The Messenger for free messages and video calls is available not only for all handsets using android but also available for all the other devices like tablets, desktop, etc.
With Messenger for free messages and video calls, you just need one click to open your messages app whenever you want to message friends and families.
The incognito mode of the browser helps you keep your chat safe and personal.
Features for App as below:.
All in one Messenger App:
Instant access to 500 apps at a click of a button on your to send multiple messages.
The App is designed to help solve your problems related to delay in uploading and sending your chats and messages without having to download any other social media.
Access all the messengers such as whatsapp, facebook, video call, instagram from the same app.
You can have secure and easy access and send multiple messages from one place.
Group Messaging:
The group messaging feature allows you to add multiple contacts to a message and send messages to the same group in one go.
Blocked Contacts:
The messenger helps you block the contacts where you don&39;t want to send SMS, MMS.
Also use our delete message function to conveniently delete useless messages from your device.
Video Call:
You can do a Video call with your friends & family apart from sending messages.
Use the group video feature to get on a group video call and you don&39;t need to install a separate messenger video call.
You can use the feature of zoom in and zoom out of video to enhance your video call experience.
Shopping apps:
You can also get access to multiple online and ecommerce shopping apps like amazon, flipkart, myntra, ebay, etc directly from the app.
Mute Notifications:
Mute your unwanted notifications to ensure you are not disturbed while at work.
And thus also saves you from getting unwanted messages and notifications from all the other messengers on your phone.
Themes and wallpapers:
Customize your user experience by using the feature of customised themes and wallpapers in the Messenger as you like to get a soothing experience of using the app.
Other features in the Messenger include:
Themes - Theme messenger for SMS, dark mode theme, rain theme, etc.
Design - Use the stylish interface of this messenger to get a better user experience.
Custom Colourful Bubble Chat - The app has multiple options to make your conversation and messages more exciting.
Animated emojis & free stickers - This messenger gives you access to emojis and stickers of all kinds to give your conversation an emotional touch.
Save time and Space - The messenger saves space and time on your mobile phone while enhancing your experience of communication
Disclaimer :All the brands and logos belong to respective companies and players who owned them.
The messenger does not own any brand and in no intention to harm any brand value.
Please write us back on startech0107 (at) gmail.com if you have any questions.
NOTE:Messenger is in no way associated with any of these brands.
Kindly drop an email to startech0107 (at) gmail.com if you have any issue with the listing..
تحميل APK النسخة 4.0 المجانية Free Download من المطور Star technology
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