تطبيق Speaky تبادل اللغات تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات تعليم وثقافة.
تحميل النسخة v2.1.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-12-07 بحجم 40,1MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Speaky Team ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.3 والأحدث.
✓ More than 5M Users✓ Practice 110+ Languages with Natives✓ It&39;s FREE!. Speaky is the perfect app to instantly practise languages with people around the world and for free.
1. Find the perfect language partners by browsing a worldwide community of language learners from more than 180 countries and native in more than 110 languages.
2. Start practising immediately with your language partners and learn from each other simply by exchanging your language skills.
It&39;s a simple language exchange method:
• You help someone that wants to learn your native language by practising with them and regularly correcting any mistakes.
• Your partner does the same for you.
It’s up to you and your partner to find the perfect “way” of doing your language exchange.
3. Stay connected with your language partners and make sure to practise every day!
If it’s more convenient for you to practise from a computer, you can always access your account from our website:.
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تحميل APK النسخة 2.1.0 المجانية Free Download
يمكنك تحميل Speaky - تبادل اللغات APK 2.1.0 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من متجر الأندرويد العربي.