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تحميل النسخة v 7.11 المحدثة بتاريخ 2013-09-12 بحجم 1.5M ، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Asad Shah ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 2.1 and up .
في هذا التطبيق اكثر من ١٠٠٠٠ صورة في ٤٠ فئة، خلفيات الخيال هو النوع من الفن الذي يصور الموضوعات السحرية وغيرها من الخوارق والافكار والمخلوقات الخيالية في حين هنالك تداخل في الخيال العلمي.
- *A collection of outstanding fantasy wallpapers >10,000 in more than 40 categories**FANTASY WALLPAPERS is a genre of art that depicts magical or other supernatural themes, ideas, creatures or settings.
While there is some overlap with science fiction, horror and other speculative fiction art, there are unique elements not generally found in other forms of speculative fiction art.
Depictions of ancient myths and legends, as well as depictions of modern day fantasy in the form of divine interventions and other magical or supernatural forces, are very common elements, and help distinguish FANTASY art wallpapers from other forms.
Dragons, wizards, fairies and other fantastical and mythical creatures are common features in fantasy art.So, be transported to amazing fantasy worlds and get inspired with these amazing wallpapers that take you to the limits of your imagination.
The more inspirational, beautiful and elegant they are, the better they can challenge our imagination and provide some fresh perspective in a rather tedious and monotonous workflow.Fantasy categories included in the app are:3DAdventureAlice in WonderlandAngelAnimalArcherArtisticBattleBirdBuildingCastleCityCreatureCthulhuDarkDemonDragonElfFairyForestGiantGodsIce and FireKnightLandscapeLords of the RingLuis RoyoMagicMenMermaidOtherPeoplePiratePlaceRealShipSinsSorcererVampireWarriorWitchWizardWomen-----App features includes:* Totally Free Application* Constantly updated contents* Pic Color Changer* Simple and Easy navigation-----Note:Internet connection is required.
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