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accessibility مناسب لأعمار 3 أعوام وما فوق update 2025-01-23

تحميل تطبيق الكلمات الأولى للطفل والطفل

تطبيق الكلمات الأولى للطفل والطفل تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات تعليم وثقافة.
تحميل النسخة v5.2 المحدثة بتاريخ 2025-01-23 بحجم 0، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Wienelware ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.1.

Preschool sensory learning app for babies & infants:touch games & flash cards.
Make learning for your infant an exciting journey with First Words for Baby & Toddler, featuring interactive baby touch games and flash cards with animal noises and sounds.
Our app for babies is designed to make language development a fun and educational experience for your little one, whether they're a 1 year old or a 3 year old.
Explore a world of farm animals, vehicles and foods, brought to life with vibrant graphics, delightful sounds, animal noises, and interactive animations.
Our Montessori preschool collection of baby sensory games for infants revolutionizes the path to discovering my first words by blending the magic of flashcards and touch games to spark your child's language development.
Touch, tap and discover!

Make learning first words for baby & toddler fun from the very beginning:

👶 Designed for Early Learners:Whether you have a newborn or a toddler, our app is tailored to suit your child's unique developmental stage.
It offers 1 year old baby touch games - 3 year old learning games.

🎨 Interactive and Playful:Our colorful Montessori preschool flash cards with my first 100 words and toddler animal games are thoughtfully designed to captivate your child's attention.
Tap, touch, and swipe through the interactive flashcards for kids, making the learning experience of first words for baby & toddler engaging and exciting.

🌈 First Words flash cards:Explore a carefully curated selection of sensory toddler flashcards, introducing vehicles, farm animals, fruits and food, forests, music, jungle creatures, pets, clothes, sea life, and everyday objects.
We continuously expand our word collection.

🎨 Colorful hand-drawn high contrast graphics and animations:We know that infants love bright colors and cute animals, so we've designed our app for babies with this in mind.
More than 100 illustrations were hand-drawn especially for this app.

❤️ Bonding Time with Mommy and Daddy:Our app offers quality family time.
Share moments of discovery and joy as you and your child explore the world of words together.

🦁 Discover Animal Noises:Explore a carefully curated selection of toddler flash cards featuring animals from all around the world.
Your child will love learning about farm animals and their noises through our interactive toddler flash cards and toddler animal games.

🧩 Interactive and Fun:Learning is all about fun! Our app includes interactive mini learning games for one year olds that keep your kid entertained while they absorb the most common first words effortlessly.

🎵 Voiceovers and sound effects:Our app for babies features voiceovers and sounds that help to bring the content to life.
Kids will love learning my first words with audio, hearing the farm animals make their noises and the sound of a car engine revving up.

🌎 All flash cards are available in 25 languages (including English, Spanish, German, Portugese, Japanese and Chinese).
This way, your infant can learn in their native language.

✨️ Offline Access:All content is available offline, ensuring uninterrupted learning adventures.

🦄 Ad-free:No ads interrupt the magic within the app.

Empower your child's language development and early literacy skills with First Words for Baby & Toddler.
Explore our Montessori preschool baby flash cards and enjoy interactive baby sensory games for infants, and witness your kid's vocabulary grow.

For questions and feedback please contact support (at)

تحميل APK النسخة 5.2 المجانية Free Download من المطور Wienelware

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