تحميل كره السله تكتيك مجلس Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل كره السله تكتيك مجلس Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق كره السله تكتيك مجلس تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات رياضة.
تحميل النسخة v5.1.6 المحدثة بتاريخ 2019-08-19 بحجم 42M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Jan Soukup ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.1 والأحدث.

Basketball Tactic Board, allows you to create your own tactics for every match situation, for FREE and NO REGISTRATIONS nor payments are needed for more advanced tools ;). Intuitive UI, simple, quick using.

Video Manuals here:
رابط الصفحة من هنا

You can change the field, to six different options. Full field view, Half field view and attacking/defending third!

BTB provides you seven tools! Rectangle with number inside! Sipmle Line, Arrow, Dotted arrow, Pen, Text and Area! Everything you need to create your tactic!

Save your tactics into one frame, or do frame by frame ANIMATION, for more advanced tactics! You can set animation speed to make it simply the BEST.

You can analyse your own photos and your own videos!

Create your teams and players!
***manual on bottom of the page***

BTB allows you several ways to share tactic or animation with others!
- for tactic - you can do photo of your tactic or you can export it into file
- for animation - you can export it into file
This file can be easily imported into app on any other device ;)
***manual on bottom of the page***

Simply remove objects, if you want to rework your tactic, with remove function! Or you can reset everything with just one click!

Create basketball tactics

/*More field options*/

*Full field
*Half field
*Attacking / defending third
*Your own image or video


*Dotted arrow

/*Useful features*/

*Change players size
*Save tactics
*Export/Import tactics and animations
*Frame by frame animation
*Portrait/Landscape mode

Go to edit window (top right tools button), click on team1/team2 edit button on the right of team, add new team and players. Then select this team by clicking on it.

Go to tactic / animation loading window, on the bottom click on EXPORT, and then click on the tactic / animation which you want to be exported.
Tactics are then exported to your device to folder /BasketballBoard/Tactics
Animations to /BasketballBoard/Animations

Now you can send them to others and they can import them ;)

Copy tactic / animation file to your device folder
- tactic to /BasketballBoard/Import/Tactics
- animation to /BasketballBoard/Import/Animations
(if this folder doesnt exists - Go to tactic / animation loading window, on the bottom click on IMPORT and folders will be created)

Now you have tactic / animation in right folder, so now it is very simple:
Go to tactic / animation loading window, on the bottom click on IMPORT
In import window, there are shown tactics / animations which are copied in import folder
and now you just click on the tactic / animation which you want to be.

كرة السلة بالانجليزي كره السله كم دقيقه كره السله الامريكي كره السله باللغه الانجليزيه كرة السلة بالفرنسية كرة السلة اليوم
كرة السلة كم شوط كرة السلة كم لاعب كرة السلة الاهلي .

تحميل APK النسخة 5.1.6 المجانية Free Download

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