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تحميل لعبة NewCity Town Building Farming

لعبة New City Town Building Farming تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v1.9.1 المحدثة بتاريخ 2023-02-03 بحجم 83,1MB، هذه اللعبة من تطوير Raya Game Publishing ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

NewCity is a fun freecity building game with a unique emphasis on trade&farming.
We’re looking for a mayor to entrust the development and management of New City in their capable hands! Install this free city simulation game now and set your town on the course of progress and prosperity.
As mayor, it is your duty to design and create a beautiful, lively metropolis.
But being mayor is not just opening ceremonies and VIP dinners with city tycoons, you need to keep trade flowing and expand your city in a sustainable way.
Start with a small farm town, grow it into a city, and then expand your mega city’s borders on multiple lucrative mines and beach resorts.


New City is an ordinary, free city that has fallen to the wayside due to years of mismanagement.
The city is now in need of help to live up to its potential, not just a farm.
Luckily for them, you are the mayor that is going to make that happen.
Create essential farms, factories, and houses to put the city's economy back on track.
Place buildings strategically to collect taxes and keep your city growing.
Create new tourist attractions and recreational facilities to attract visitors from around the world You will also need to overcome real-life challenges a city might face such as power outages, farming food, and citizen satisfaction.
Once you’ve picked up the basics of city management and trade, it is time to balance out your industrialized city with some modern aesthetics.


In our offline pocket world, New City, you get to be the mayor of your free city and face a multitude of gameplay scenarios that will test how you set your priorities! Use your creativity to design your city by carefully positioning buildings in a way that generates more income Unlock over 300 special and nifty buildings and improve them, keep your residents happy, create jobs, and use the money from your income generating buildings to expand your city You won’t be taking part in this adventure alone though, dozens of quests and rewards are offered by some key characters in your city who will make this experience much more memorable.
You’ll be tasked to design and maintain homes, skyscrapers, farms, shops, hotels, restaurants, and various essential buildings.
Citizens will react fluidly to changes you make around their city & will let you know if something needs fixing so you can keep in touch with their everyday needs.

Key features:

Casual city tycoon simulator with low barrier to entry

No internet connection required and free to play

Over 300 unique buildings waiting to be unlocked

Build homes, attract citizens and experience a modern city sim game set near a beach

Collect income from your profit generating businesses

Unlock different ports to grow your trading routes

You can enjoy the game for free but there are also in-game purchases available if you wish to progress more quickly

More than 100 different products to produce and export

Create your own virtual utopia in this free-to-play city simulation game

Decorate your city and show off your aesthetic chops

NewCity is a town building game that is easy to pick up but difficult to master.
Luckily, it teaches you as you play, increasing your knowledge of planning a city, farming industry, priority management, and the essential services of every city.
So if you’re already a fan of games like Hayday, SimCity, or Township then you will certainly be greeted with a familiar but unique experience.
Be more than just an administrator from city hall and interact with your citizens to shape your developments.
You are given free reign to customize your city the way you see fit, and you’re allowed to change your layout in order to adjust to new challenges.
Are you ready to become the most successful mayor of New City and be in control of managing different aspects of a free city؟ Looking for an engaging city-building game with high quality toon graphics؟ NewCity simulation game is the right choice for you! Your goal is to build a beautiful metropolis in this paradise of a city..

تحميل APK النسخة 1.9.1 المجانية Free Download من المطور Raya Game Publishing

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  1. لعبه Deep Town: Mining Factory الحجم: 115,1MB
  2. لعبة القتال Rope Hero: Vice Town الحجم: 137,8MB
  3. جيش مدينة اللعب Army Toys Town‏ الحجم: 108,7MB
  4. لعبة MicroTownio بلدتي المصغرة الحجم: 61,1MB
  5. لعبة Princess Town Wedding Games الحجم: 102,6MB
  6. لعبة Lilys Town Cooking Cafe الحجم: 100,5MB

الكلمات الدلالية والوسوم للبحث والحصول على لعبة NewCity Town Building Farming

لعبة NewCity .

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