تحميل Forest of Destiny Otome Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل Forest of Destiny Otome Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Forest of Destiny Otome تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v3.0.25 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-07-13 بحجم 62M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Genius Inc ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

ادخل إلى قلب الغابة وتعرّف على الروح الحيوانية الوسيمة التي تحلم بها. ■Synopsis■

Working at your stepfather’s real property employer gets plenty greater complex while 3 animal spirits screen themselves to you. Calling themselves Protectors of the Sacred Forest, they arrive searching for a brand new Forest Guardian and the manner to save their home from impending destruction.

Things flip explosive in extra methods than one whilst a chain of arson assaults appears to goal your worksite, and it’ll be as much as you to manage tensions on each aspects as you race to unmask the culprit.

Faced with the question of siding with humans or spirits, career or conviction, your head or your coronary heart—if you want to you select

Are you ready to simply accept the position of Forest Guardian

Decide your fate in Forest of Destiny!


Jinta — The Alpha Wolf

The chief of his p.C. And a fierce critic of humankind, Jinta has a bite that matches his bark. His love of the wooded area is all that convinces him to offer you a danger. Can you earn his consider and stable the loyalty of his forces for the grand battle that looms beforehand

Rei — The Stalwart Stag
Carrying antlers method having poise and balance, each of which Rei has in spades. Having spent the longest time in the human global, he enjoys appreciate in your agency and quite a few admirers. Can you help ease the burden of past transgressions

Midori — The Flirty Fox

As charming as he is unflinchingly optimistic, Midori brings an electric environment to every one among your encounters. Behind the ones sharp eyes lies a history each tragic and fascinating. Can you be his spark of desire whilst hurricane clouds collect

Ren — The Cunning Crane

As the fourth Protector of the Sacred Forest, Ren is committed to forging his own direction. Determined to give up the destruction of his domestic at any fee, he cares little for an upstart Forest Guardian. Can you convince him that peace is well worth pursuing.

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