تحميل Animal Sounds for kid learning Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل Animal Sounds for kid learning Free APK للاندرويد

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تطبيق Animal Sounds for kid learning تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v1.1 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-05-04 بحجم 58M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Kids land ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.4 والأحدث.

مملكة الحيوانات مع أصوات الطيور وأصوات الحيوانات البرية وأصوات الحشراتHave a visit to our sweet animal park learn animal sounds. Babies and toddlers love animal sounds and animal noises so much. Babies start by learning to form sounds, and then learning to form words.

Here kids will get to know about different animals, their habitats how they sound!!

Sounds of birds, insects Sound sounds of wild animals will take your kids to Jungle safari tour at different animal habitats.


- Birds: Peacock, Parrot, Hen, Rooster, Woodpecker, Owl, Duck, Eagle, Vulture, Seagulls, Pigeon, Sparrow, Hooded Crow, Swan, Ostrich, Toucan
- Farm Animals: Dog, Cat, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Squirrel, Hen, Rooster, Horse, Donkey, Goat, Bull, Turkey, Goose At Animal Land
- Wild Animals: Lion, Elephant, Wolf, Fox, Tiger, Monkey, Hippo, Kangaroo, Gorilla, Giraffe, Zebra, Leopard, Camel At Animal Forest
- Pet Animals: Dog, Cat, Squirrel, Mouse, Turtle, Hamster, Canary, Rabbit, Budgerigar, Chameleon
- Insects: Bee, Snake, Mosquito, Fly, Grasshopper, Bumblebee, Dragonfly, Ant, Snail, Ladybug, Caterpillar
- Water Animals: Dolphin, Penguin, Seal, Whale, crab, Swan, Pelican, Orca, Puffin, Turtles, Octopus

Features of best Animal Sounds App:

- High definition animal pictures
- High quality audio sounds
- Easy navigation
- Interactive design
- Lively animation

Benefits of Animal Sounds:

- It can be one of the milestone of your toddler
- Such sounds helps in evolution of hearing for kids
- Animal sounds are important for speech development
- It helps toddlers build coordination
- Enrich animal knowledge of kids at early age

This cute Animal kingdom is a simple animal game for kids to learn, play have fun. Get this Animal sounds for kids learning App for kids today give them an amazing learning experience..

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تحميل APK النسخة 1.1 المجانية Free Download

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