تحميل Luna - Video Chat Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل تطبيق Luna - Video Chat

تطبيق Luna Video Chat تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات إجتماعية.
تحميل النسخة v1.0.5 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-07-10 بحجم 84,6MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Yuxiang ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

دردشة الفيديو

Luna is a live video chat app where you can meet and chat with high quality users around the world.
You can use text, pictures, video calls to communicate with friends, Luna will give you an unprecedented chat experience!

Live video call :-

Here you can make real-time video calls with other users, without worrying about privacy leaking to others!

User recommendation :-

Luna will recommend users based on your interests and hobbies.
After making new friends, you only need to talk about topics of mutual interest and quickly break the ice!

Real-time translation :-

Luna provides real-time translation function, allowing you to break through geographical restrictions to make friends, accurately understand the psychology of friends, and explore more interesting topics!

Exquisite gift special effects :-

You can send beautiful gifts to your friends in video chat, which will make you feel happier after triggering the gift effects!

Message history :-

Luna provides the function of viewing historical messages, you can view all the messages you sent, and keep the beautiful moments between you!

Beauty filter :-

Don't worry about your poor makeup in video chats, Luna provides powerful beauty filters that can make you look confident in front of your friends and your looks will soar!

If you like Luna, please rate us in the Google play and write a review.

If you have any problems or complaints, write to us at Upyogo2021 (at) gmail.com.
We will reply to your email as soon as possible and improve the quality of the app..

تحميل APK النسخة 1.0.5 المجانية Free Download من المطور Yuxiang

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  1. TikSpark - متابعين إعجابات الحجم: 14,6MB
  2. Save Status - Download Status الحجم: 9,1MB
  3. Haza - غرف الدردشة الصوتية الحجم: 59,8MB
  4. TeeseMee - دردشة فيديو حية الحجم: 20MB
  5. صور انمي ومانجا pixiv‏ الحجم: 31,9MB
  6. Yamy live- 18+ live video chat الحجم: 19,5MB

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