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تحميل EF Defense Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق EF Defense تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v0.2.6 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-05-31 بحجم 108M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير ManaGameDev ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 7.0 والأحدث.

انسَ خبراتك الدفاعية حتى الآن! المعارك الملحمية في برج لا نهاية له!The Darkness surges upon the continent of Akaros, the land of abundance.
Rally the Heroes of various tribes and form a strong defense for the showdown!

1. Unique Heroes of various tribes
Heroes of varying tribes have gathered to defend the Akaros continent!
Train unique and powerful Heroes to unlock their hidden abilities!

2. Diverse battlefields and powerful, specialized traps
Leave behind the simple, boring backgrounds and collect growing maps that assist you in protecting the kingdom!
A monster from beyond the ice wall will roar, and terrorize enemies
and the arm of a god will appear through a portal to push enemies away, aiding you in your fight!

3. Protectors that protect the battlefield with powerful skills!
Despite their cuteness, Protectors aren’t just the mascots, but possess the power to turn the tide of a battle!
Collect Protectors that hatch from tiny eggs, take control of the battlefield, and protect their allies!

4. This isn’t just about Defense!
Ditch the traditional model of just blocking for defense and experience all sorts of different styles of combat!
The Frontier, to conquest the enemy bases beyond the defense that only protects the kingdom!
The Arena, to win the honorable combat against powerful opponents for the position of the strongest!
The Grand Arena, to fight across three different battlefields to claim victory!
The Tower of Trials, to climb floor by floor, defeating the guardians of each stage!

5. A variety of unique enemies!
Enemies, that only walk or fly from one side to the other Too easy!
[Frog Defense], where you face off against enemies that fall from the sky and skip floors.
[Goblin Defense], where enemies appear on random floors through portals.
[Ghost Elimination], where you face off against enemies that attack both the earth and the air.

■ Customer Support
- You can receive more detailed guide by indicating your ID when sending us the inquiry.
- The basic information are indicated automatically in the inquiry mail if sent via 1:1 Inquiry menu in Game Setting screen.
- Customer Support: csmanagf.com
- Official Facebook : رابط الصفحة من هنا

■ Note
- By downloading or installing this app, you are considered to have agreed to the terms and conditions of Mana Game Factory.
(Terms of Use Privacy Policy: رابط الصفحة من هنا
- This game contains in-app purchases of items to help you with the game.
- In-app purchases can be restricted through your device settings.
For more information, please visit رابط الصفحة من هنا

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تحميل APK النسخة 0.2.6 المجانية Free Download

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