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تحميل النسخة v1.0.1 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-04-13 بحجم 12M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Mitsis Hotels ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

ارتقِ بتجربتك الرقمية في فندق Mitsis Hotels من خلال تطبيق الهاتف المحمول الجديد الخاص بنا.Navigate through the world of Mitsis Hotels at the palm of your hand and be the first to know our latest offers, services, events, and updates!

We’re passionate about offering you the finest of Greek hospitality and a premium-quality holiday experience. All with a warm and welcoming spirit, genuine caring and attention to detail. Bringing close to you what you treasure most to craft the memories of a lifetime.

As Greece’s largest privately-owned hotel chain, Mitsis Hotels has been a tourism pioneer for over 45 years now, making its own mark on Greece’s tourist industry, driven by a customer-centred philosophy and the promise of an unparalleled holiday experience.

With 17 city, beach and resort hotels of 4* and 5* and 11 Spa and thalassotherapy centers in our portfolio in Athens, Crete, Kamena Vourla, Kos and Rhodes, we aspire to stand out as the preferred portfolio of hotels resorts in Greece offering excellent service, great locations, impeccable facilities, sophisticated dining and a broad spectrum of options for our clientele.

We bring to life enriching experiences for our guests, making the most of our unparalleled family touch and genuine Greek essence, always seeking to be flexible and adaptable to individual customer needs and the mindset of new generations. Transforming each visitor into a special guest is the key to our success..

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