تحميل Sweet Monster Guardians Free APK لـ Android

تحميل Sweet Monster Guardians Free APK لـ Android

لعبة Sweet Monster Guardians تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب كاشجوال.
تحميل النسخة v1.0.26 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-05-18 بحجم 62M، هذه اللعبة من تطوير MoviSoft Co Ltd ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.1 والأحدث.

خط دفاع استراتيجي مع معالجة بسيطة! أنقذوا المدينة الحلوة!

People addicted to malicious spiciness...!

The victims are becoming neurotic, violent, and there are lots of incidents/accidents...

Sweet Monsters who are messengers of sweetness and happiness, protect the Sweet Planet

Let&39;s make our own Sweet Monster team and defeat the Spicy Empire!

◆Simple operation, in-depth strategy◆

Sweet Monster Guardians is a game where you can feel an in-depth strategic genre with a simple operation of dragging and dropping the generated character card.

The character card that I have appears over time, and if you drag and drop the card, the characters will move forward and attack the enemy.

◆Multi-line Control◆

There are two areas in the air and on the ground, a character that can be placed in that area and a character that can attack that area.

Change your characters according to the situation and be flexible immediately!

For large maps, the area that can be deployed is also increased or decreased depending on the occupation scope.

◆Character Merge System◆

Character cards can be merged to make them stronger and put on the field.

If the character cards that appear in time are the same card in succession, they merge and increase their ability.

You can merge up to five chapters, which will also be an important point in organizing your strategy.

◆Fostering characters, skills, and towns◆

Collecting and upgrading character cards in a clear and familiar way increases the ability of each character.
Skill cards with various effects can also be grown/replaced, and upgrading the town gives you an advantage over overall play.

The &39;Sweet Monster Guardians&39; support a multi-play battle system.
You can compete with other users by matching based on the record and account ranking.

It is operated seasonally, and at the end of the season, the ranking point-based reward acquisition and ranking are adjusted, so you can play fresh every new season.

Official site:

Terms and Conditions:

Personal Information Handling Policy:


This game contains in-app purchaseable items that can enhance gameplay and speed up your game progress.
In-app purchases can be restricted from using your device settings.

For more information, visit رابط الصفحة من هنا

تحميل APK النسخة 1.0.26 المجانية Free Download من المطور MoviSoft Co Ltd

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