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تحميل تطبيق Refantasia Charm and Conquer

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تحميل النسخة v1.6.1 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-07-08 بحجم 749,9MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير OASIS GAMES LIMITED ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.4 والأحدث.

Re انتقل إلى fantasia وابدأ في غزوك في عالم من السحر والقوة.

This is it.
I guess it's the end of your life.
Did you achieve everything you wanted؟ What would you do if you had another chance؟

I can't bring you back...
but what if I could bring you to an isekai, a medieval land full of powerful heroes and dominating factions competing for supremacy؟ Will you assemble your allies and climb the ranks with your keen tactics؟ The riches and beauty await, will you answer the call of the isekai؟

Every Lord Starts Somewhere :-

In a world governed by superstition and fear, build a stronghold utilizing your advanced scientific knowledge and strategic insight to conquer ignorance and opposition.
Assemble your team to help manage the operations on the home front and enjoy the rewards of a productive economy with just one click!

Oaths of the Sword :-

Might isn't always right, win the heart and loyalty of your followers with your charisma and intellect.
Level up your heroes and train your troops automatically so that you may overcome all opposition and conquer the world!

Romantic Encounters of Chance :-

Elves, beastians, fairies, demons, and even goddesses...
What kind of sparks will encounter on your journeys؟ Create your own love stories with different consorts and discover the joy of parenthood surrounded by your offspring.
Your harem begins here!

The Enemy of My Enemy

Build alliance with like-minded travelers and fight against your common enemy.
Establish closer ties with your allies through an intricate web of marriages between your heirs/heiress and theirs, which will bring you a great bonus! You don't have to fight your enemies all alone by yourself!

Enjoy your personal fantasia in another world full of original, gripping stories with wild imagination!

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تحميل APK النسخة 1.6.1 المجانية Free Download من المطور OASIS GAMES LIMITED

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