تحميل Santa Gift Christmas 3D Games Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل تطبيق Santa Gift Christmas 3D Games

تطبيق Santa Gift Christmas 3D Games تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v1 المحدثة بتاريخ 2021-12-21 بحجم 31M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Khan Gammers ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.4 والأحدث.

صديقك سانتا يقدم الهدايا ويقاتل مع الحمقى ، احتفالات عيد الميلاد.

The Christmas has made people very excited.
Snowfall in vacations brought a fizzy chill among people of city.
Watch for snow skaters playing and racing in the city.
Play this real winter Christmas car game, get coins and buy some new cars.
Become a Santa Claus and deliver presents to all houses.
Accelerate slowly and do not hit any other traffic in this Santa delivery gift adventure game.
Be careful with children playing along the roadway in this car driver game.
Kids are super-duper excited to open Xmas gift box and celebrate virtual family fun.
Jingle in all the way is waiting for you.
In this Santa Christmas Gift Delivery: Gift Game, Santa Claus is on rush gift delivery driving duty to travel around grand city and make the children happy.

Be a flying Santa and deliver gifts to children and make the children happy through giving them ride of the sleigh in the winter season.
Drive fast but be careful, traffic is all around the city.
Children are playing everywhere.
Do not hit anyone in this santa gift delivery, riding and flying adventure game.
Be careful with children playing along the roadway.
Kids are super duper excited to open Xmas gift boxes and celebrate Santa family fun.
Spread smiles to joyous & endearing faces of children in Christmas Flying Santa Gift Delivery.
Flying Santa have to deliver thousands of gifts before Christmas Eve.
It’s a rush cart driving game of Santa.
Make the Christmas spirit high with this Santa gift delivery, riding and flying.

You can deliver different kind of gifts like Terrarium Candle, D Dinosaur Night Light, Mini Beauty Refrigerator and a lot of other Christmas gifts, It’s snowing in American States, north America and Canada and with Real Christmas Santa Rush Gift Delivery Game 2020 you can roam around the city as Santa Christmas Track in NY City with Christmas Flying Santa Kart Gift Delivery Free New Game 2021

Feel the magic of Christmas, help Santa deliver as many gifts as possible, earn points and top the leaderboard!

A special cart is designed for this 2021 christmas evening.
It is painted in red and decorated with flowers in this amazing christmas santa 3d game.
It gives a fun full shine and looks pretty amazing in this collect santa gift delivery game.
This special deer and wolf carts will go around the whole town.
The Santa will ride in the cart, truck and cars carrying a bag full of gifts for town’s people.
The cart and truck is now ready to bring fun to the people in this 3d Santa racing game.
People are standing alongside the road to welcome santa claus in this christmas car driving game.
The soft and soothing snow triggers the fun from the inside in this santa Jeep/Car/Bus game.

You can deliver different kind of gifts like Terrarium Candle, D Dinosaur Night Light, Mini Beauty Refrigerator and a lot of other Christmas gifts, It’s snowing in American States, north America and Canada and with Real Christmas Santa Rush Gift Delivery Game 2020 you can roam around the city as Santa Christmas Track in NY City with Christmas Flying Santa Kart Gift Delivery Free New Game 2021.

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