تحميل Scary Toys Monster Funtime 3D Free APK لـ Android

تحميل Scary Toys Monster Funtime 3D Free APK لـ Android

لعبة Scary Toys Monster Funtime 3D تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب ذكاء وألغاز.
تحميل النسخة v1.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-03-30 بحجم 69M، هذه اللعبة من تطوير Chapin Tech ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

العب لعبة الوحش المخيفة وقت المرح وحاول الهروب من منزل wuggy& you a fan of huggy toys and diy games Then this casual game is for you!
Welcome to the scary horror survival Huggy&39;s House simulator in the scary big abandoned toy factory, it is play-time call for you to discover and enjoy this wuggy simulator survival game. Can you survive in the big abandoned scary toy factory
Game Story: The game start at the house of toy factory in the city center you need to do what&39;s appear in the message bar, you sneak into the house of scary big toy factory exploring it. You will come across multiple play-time horror mystery to be solved. Pay big attention to the toys waiting you in different places at the big scary toy factory&39;s house and keep solving the mystery. In this poppy-est game, you will play as a curious visitor who roams and enjoys his play-time around the factory and collect every single evidence to solve the mystery of that abandoned toy factory. As you progress throughout the big buildings, the factory&39;s most popular toys: the Robot bot and “Dolly Bunny” – huge, terrifying blue, green and pink creatures with bullying eyes, big red lips, and lengthy limbs – suddenly appears and start to chase you in all directions. In chapter 1, You will have to run and hide, while the scary toys are seeking to find you: a pure horror-packed gameplay for an entertaining play-time to be enjoyed!
Get entertained by the horrific simulator play-time in this horror game! An entertaining chapter one of pure horrific gameplay! Explore and uncover tons of hidden secrets in the big abandoned toy factory: This horror gameplay has lot of secrets to discover during your play-time! This is an exciting survival horror puzzle adventure. Download now and enjoy!.

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scary toys that got banned scary toys factory chapter 2 scary toys factory .

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