تحميل Sound meter db spl meter Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل Sound meter db spl meter Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Sound meter db spl meter تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أدوات.
تحميل النسخة v1.0.4 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-12-07 بحجم 5,7MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Soft Solutioner ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.4 والأحدث.

مقياس الصوت أو تطبيق كاشف الضوضاء db يقيس الضوضاء البيئية بسهولة شديدة.. Are you seeking out a device to degree sound stage and measure environmental noise Sound meter: decibel meter is a unfastened app to locate sound and degree its decibel value (db cost). Sound meter db noise detector makes use of cellphone integrated microphone to degree sound in decibel and also show it in easy graph.
Sound detector is likewise known as sound meter or decibel meter (db meter). Through Sound detector or noise detector you could without difficulty discover very loud sound or very low sounds so as to shield your hearing capability from too low or from too loud sounds.
Spl meter (Sound stage meter) app show decibel values via measuring the environmental noise and it display the measured db values in numerous special paperwork. It is also very beneficial app to detect environmental noise from your surroundings.

Key Features:

• Indicates decibel with the aid of gauge
• Display min, avg and max db values
• Display decibel values through graph line
• Can calibrate the decibel for every tool
• Division Gage
• Display Measure Time
• Calibration Decibel
• Refresh, Play, Pause

Db Noise detector or Spl meter uses phone microphone to measure environmental noise in decibels. The db fee of decibel meter app might be range examine with real sound meter or sound detector device. Now noise size can without difficulty be performed on cell cellphone.
Sound degree meter additionally called frequency meter or sometime can be called as spl meter. Too noisy sound is dangerous to hearing functionality. Protect your circle of relatives health from very loud sounds or noise through using decibel meter or noise meter to detect db value or to degree any environmental noise due to the fact we recognize that environmental nostril could be very unsafe for each human physical and intellectual fitness. Sound detector will discover an excessive amount of loud sound and provide you with a warning approximately loud sound via placing the frequency level of loud sound.

Permission Required:

this permission is required to access Internet.

2) android.Permission.RECORD_AUDIO
this permission is required to access sound recording.


- Sound detector (db meter) uses telephone microphone to measure too noisy sounds. In most android devices microphones are aligned to human voice.
Sometime db price over 90 wont be identified by using most device so please use it as an auxiliary device. Sometimes the decibel fee calculated by way of noise detector is not as accurate as an actual noise meter and that is due to a few smart telephone devices microphone are aligned to human voice..

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تحميل APK النسخة 1.0.4 المجانية Free Download

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