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تحميل Watcher Chronicles Free APK لـ Android

لعبة Watcher Chronicles تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب كاشجوال.
تحميل النسخة v1.3.3 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-07-26 بحجم 1GB، هذه اللعبة من تطوير Third Sphere Game Studios ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 9 والأحدث.

لعبة تقمص الأدوار ثنائية الأبعاد تشبه الأرواحPlay the first area for free.
One in app purchase for the full game.
Full controller support.

Become a glutton for punishment and persevere against 20+ merciless bosses and legions of skeletal nightmares in this savage yet charming 2D souls-like.

“Cartoons have never been so hard. A top title for fans of challenging combat.”
9/10 – GameTyrant

“Watcher Chronicles is a great, challenging game with beautiful art and music. This is definitely a game for those who want to struggle against hard and difficult enemies and get that Dark Souls-like difficulty.”
9/10 – GameGrin

“Watcher Chronicles is a must have for the gamer looking for a challenging RPG that’ll keep you engaged all the way through!”
82% – LifeisXbox

Purgatory has been invaded by an unholy threat. A group of fallen angels called “The Watchers” now seek to transform it into a new hell. Lost souls must unite or face utter annihilation…

Fast Skill Based Combat - Challenging but fair souls-like combat with tight and finely tuned controls. Dodge, block, and slice your way through enemies.

Large Interconnected World - Explore every crack of a purgatorial realm filled with secrets and game changing loot in a non-linear fashion.

Local Co-op Multiplayer - Connect two controllers and take on the entire game in local co-op with a friend!

Powerful Magic - Incinerate enemies with waves of fire, lightning, and void or summon the horde with powerful necromancy.

Unique Weapons - Giant swords, blade staffs, scythes, polearms, and more to discover and master. Weapon types all have different move sets that completely changes up the gameplay.

Robust Streamlined RPG System - Carefully upgrade your hero to match your play style and build out your own unique character class. Discover 100+ upgradable armor, weapons, and rings to specialize your build.

Relentless Bosses - Battle over 20+ finely tuned and challenging bosses that require careful planning and significant skill to take down.

New Game Plus - Keep your gear when finishing the game and continue the journey with increasingly harder difficulties.

Oh and you will die... a lot...

Now go forth gamer... Existence itself hangs in the balance... Hit the install button and the first step of your long journey has begun!.

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تحميل APK النسخة 1.3.3 المجانية Free Download

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