تطبيق Hidden Device Finder تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات إدارة وأعمال.
تحميل النسخة v1.8 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-05-31 بحجم 24M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Uhud Soft ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 6.0 والأحدث.
يعد مكتشف الجهاز المخفي واكتشاف الأشياء تطبيقًا رائعًا.
The hidden device finder app is very mesmerizing detection app for the users.
The device detector and camera detector app is the best hidden camera detector and Color detection from image .
The new rf scanner and find camera app can detect different color code from image while using mobile phone camera for detection.
This hidden camera finder application detects and identifies various objects such as; TV, chair, table and so on.
The hidden devices and devices detector app measures precious and new expensive metals objects like Gold, silver, just with a single click on the device locator and detector de camaras app.
You also scan different objects through different ways by graph, sensor, in micro-tesla and magnet detection feature of the camera detection app.
This detect hidden camera app gets help from algorithm magnetometer reader to discover hidden devices and objects in your nearby surrounding areas while employing this wonderful hidden cam detector tool in your device.
You can find every sort of unknown stuffs like zinc, copper, precious stones of gold and silver by hidden device finder.
The private camera and hidden camera detector app is helpful at that time, when you have the best magnet sensor in your mobile with regard to position.
If you are facing any trouble in your surrounding regarding any hidden devices in shower area, guest room room, flowerpot area.
So you cannot detect it without any other source.
You can take assistance from the workable hidden camera detector x app to easily find the hidden devices.
Features of Hidden Device Finder;
Hidden device detector app recognize and identify infrared lights and it appear on the screen after the detection.
The device locator and hidden device finder has the ability to find the location of hidden device with the close bossom to protect themselves from that place where the hidden devices are present.
This camera detector and devices quickly find out by smart object detection app.
The hidden camera finder and camera detector app is functional and easy color detection app.
How to use:
When you move the hidden device finder around the suspicious objects.
If there is any hidden device, so it will detect it very immediately.
If you have any further suggestions.
You may send us email on our official email.
تحميل APK النسخة 1.8 المجانية Free Download من المطور Uhud Soft
يمكنك تحميل Hidden Device Finder APK 1.8 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن عبر متجر الأندرويد العربي.
إذا وجدت أن التطبيق غير مناسب لك فإليك بعض التطبيقات البديلة أو المشابهة لHidden Device Finder:
- BIOMEDevice Silicon Valley الحجم: 192M
- MTN Device Insurance الحجم: 38M
- Wireless Device Configurator الحجم: 53M
- SureMDM Mobile Device Management - 42Gears MDM الحجم: 19,5MB
- Suprema Device Manager الحجم: 6.3M
- تطبيق TSA My Device الحجم: +1
الكلمات الدلالية والوسوم للبحث والحصول على Hidden Device Finder
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