تحميل Root Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل تطبيق Root

تطبيق Root تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات تعليم وثقافة.
تحميل النسخة v1.4.53.2 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-09-09 بحجم 81,4MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Education Marshal Media ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

تواصل مع الجذر بطريقة فعالة وشفافة

Right from understanding the topics to clearing the exam, we offer you a one-stop solution for all your learning needs.
Now learn with us, uninterrupted from the safety of your home.

With a simple user interface, design and exciting features, our app is the go-to solution for students across the country.

åWhy study with us؟ Want to know what all you will get؟ 🤔

🎦 Interactive live classes :-

Let’s recreate our physical experiences now through our state-of-the-art live classes interface where multiple students can study, together.

  • Periodical live classes to ensure you clear your exams
  • Raise your hand feature to solve individual queries

📚 Course material :-

  • Get access to course, notes, and other study material on-the-go
  • Regularly updated content

📝 Tests and performance reports :-

  • Get online tests and exams
  • Track your performance, test scores & rank from time to time.

❓ Ask every doubt :-

  • Clearing doubts has never been easier.Ask your doubts by just clicking a screenshot/photo of the question and upload it.We’ll ensure that all your doubts are clarified.
  • Clear your doubts on the go through our mobile app

Proven record of excellence:

  • We have been part of the market for a long time now and we have helped multiple candidates clear their exams.
  • Excellence has always been our motto, and the only thing that will never change is our motto.

⏰ Reminders and notifications for batches and sessions

  • Get notifications about new courses, sessions and updates.No more worrying about missed classes, sessions, etc.because we only want you to focus on your studies.
  • Get announcements around exam dates/special classes/ special events etc.

📜 Assignment submission :-

  • Practice makes a student perfect.Get regular online assignments so that you can become perfect.
  • Submit your assignments online and we will help you in evaluating your performance

💻 Anytime access :-

  • Watch our classes, live or recorded, anytime from any of your devices.

🤝 Parent-Teacher discussion :-

  • Parents can download the app and connect with teachers & track their ward’s performance
  • Parents can easily chat with the teacher in case of any query

💸 Payments and fees :-

  • Easy fees submission with 100% safe and secure payment options

Online fee payment option for ease

🏆 Compete within groups :-

  • Compete within groups and peers who are studying
  • Get to see your comparative score as compared to peer students

🪧 Ads Free :-

  • No ads for seamless studying experience

🛡️Safe and secure :-

  • Safety of your data i.e.phone number, email address, etc.is of utmost importance
  • We never use student data for any kind of advertisement

An online platform for studying in the most efficient and transparent manner.
Download now !!.

تحميل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download من المطور Education Marshal Media

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  2. دولينجو: تعلم اللغات Duolingo: Learn Lang الحجم: 73,3MB
  3. Picture Mushroom - Mushroom ID الحجم:
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