تحميل زومبي الملاجئ Zero City Zombie Shelter Survival  APK

تحميل زومبي الملاجئ Zero City Zombie Shelter Survival APK

لعبة زومبي الملاجئ Zero City Zombie Shelter Survival تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v1.52.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2024-05-19 بحجم 128,4MB، هذه اللعبة من تطوير BEINGAME LIMITED ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.4 والأحدث.

Multiplayer survival games Idle RPG. Apocalypse: bunker war shelter survival. The last bunker, base and shelter in the zombie game: control citizens, fight and survive!

Ensure the survival of your citizens, or face your last days. Zombies have enslaved the Earth – it is your mission to survive after the apocalypse!

Zero City is one of the global zombie and sandbox survival simulation games with the possibility to manage your base and bunker.

Command your citizens and manage one of the last shelters of the new world in the simulator game! Bring the survivors together and lead them, train people, and assign duties ­­- there’s always a job for everyone to make the base! Build and strengthen your state, last bunker and shelter and turn them into an impregnable base!

It’s time to protect your city, base and whole global state from zombies! In this survival simulator game warriors must be alert, and their weapons must be ready. Items and supplies found in the last bunker and shelter will be useful in battles against hordes of zombies until dawn!

Warriors must be alert, and their weapons must be ready. Items and supplies found in abandoned shelters will be useful in survival battles against hordes of zombies and their master.

Take command, sir, and save humans from zombies in the last days after the apocalypse! Fight off the city from global zombie hordes until dawn!
Here are some features you get in the survival simulator game:

• Shelter management base construction in the zombie survival simulator game.
Build and upgrade rooms to create an impregnable shelter, city and base. Prepare your last base and shelter for survival on Earth every day after sunset! Build a variety of defensive structures, decide which defense combination will be most effective! The aim of this survival simulator game is to protect your citizens, city, and state!

• Citizens development simulation.
In these dark times, every survivor counts, and everyone will have something to do to protect your base from hordes of zombies until dawn! Teach the bunker inhabitants new skills, upgrade, and let them show you what they have learned in practice! It’s your last chance of survival on Earth, so be prepared every day after sunset! Zombie attacks are at large!

• Choice of equipment.
Create effective weapons and equipment, arm and dress your squad every day for the last fight on Earth with zombies until dawn!

• Zombie multiplayer, PVP and sandbox
We are not the only survivors, but only the strongest survive the apocalypse, right Manage a mighty, invincible squad to dominate your enemies in arena&39;s tournament or attacks on other shelters and the base. Show the others in this city of zombies who&39;s running the show in the open global confrontation of the state! Be the master of fighting in this survival zombie simulator and sandbox game!

• Story-driven campaign RPG Zombie Survival Simulator Game and Sandbox.
Lead your squad through all the trials of the new world and survive using the whole arsenal available! There are hundreds of battles with hordes of and mutant fanatics ahead of your brave fighters. Every day after sunset can be the last chance on Earth! Fight off your city and global state from zombies until dawn!

Set in a post-apocalyptic environment, spiced with an atmosphere of danger and featuring high-quality HD graphics, this RPG Survival simulator game combines both shelter simulation and shooter genres. Become the master of one of the last global shelters for survival! Protect the state from zombies! This city needs you!

In this state of the dead, you can become the master of survival and the chief of the last global base and shelter! Will the zombie apocalypse stop you until dawn

Brought to you by MY.GAMES B.V..

زومبي الملاجئ .

تحميل APK النسخة 1.52.0 المجانية Free Download

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