تحميل Zombie Outbreak Simulator Free APK لـ Android

تحميل Zombie Outbreak Simulator Free APK لـ Android

لعبة Zombie Outbreak Simulator تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب أكشن ومغامرة.
تحميل النسخة v1.6.4 المحدثة بتاريخ 2020-08-31 بحجم 67,5MB، هذه اللعبة من تطوير Binary Space ومتوافق مع هواتف Android بحسب الجهاز .

Zombie Outbreak Simulator is a sandbox app where you can customize your own zombie outbreak. Choose from thousands of real locations around the world on Google Maps!The hit game with 300000 downloads on iOS and over a million plays online is now available on Android!● a killer timewaster - Gizmodo
● zombies plus Google Maps equals fun - Games Radar
● a splendid idea no matter how omnipresent zombies may be - Rock Paper Shotgun
● Apple Staff Favorite in the US Canada Brazil Mexico Spain and 14 other countries!
● Top 5 in Simulation and Strategy on the iPad!Watch a zombie outbreak unfold in real world environments and alter the outbreak parameters to your liking. Do you prefer old-school slow movers or the new fast movers Is the population armed How well can they shoot How many police will be on patrol Customize your own outbreak then watch the chaos unfold.Zoom in and out to keep track of the infection as it spreads across the map! Watch from a high satellite view to get an overview of the infection or zoom right in and watch as civilians run for their lives shoot at zombies and inevitably become infected. Keep track of the peoples only hope - local law enforcement as they fight back against overwhelming odds.Join in the action by raining fire from above with Mk81 and Mk82 bombs delivered by A-10 Tank Killers! Parachute soldiers into the front lines to protect the civilians. Deploy helicopters to rescue civilians before they become overwhelmed.From the Settings screen you can change the following parameters:● Civilian numbers
● Civilian armed %
● Civilian accuracy
● Initial zombie numbers
● Zombie outbreak direction (N E S W Map Wide)
● Zombie speed
● Infection time (how long it takes for infected civs to turn into zombies)
● Number of police
● Police accuracy
● Soldier accuracyFrom the Map Select screen you can choose from:● 15 featured online maps using Google Maps
● 5 offline maps (play anywhere even without an Internet connection)
● Over 2500 player maps using Google Maps created by players of the game at www.class3outbreak.comThe free version of the app contains limited features with in-app purchases for upgrades to unlock the full functionality. Initially you have access to two maps (one online one offline) limited outbreak settings and limited numbers of bombs soldiers and helicopters.

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تحميل APK النسخة v1.6.4 المجانية Free Download

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