تحميل Power Apk - Extract and Analyze Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل تطبيق Power Apk - Extract and Analyze

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تطبيق Power Apk Extract and Analyze تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات أدوات.
تحميل النسخة v2.2 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-09-18 بحجم 11,5MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير sixo ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

يمكنك استخراج ملفات APK للتطبيق من جهازك ، وتحليل الأجزاء الداخلية ومشاركتها مع الأصدقاء.
Find what your apps are made of with this powerful tool.

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This app allows you to extract APK files of apps installed on your device, share apps with your friends and check / analyze various information related to the APK file.

APK files are Android package files from which apps are installed on your Android device.

You can try the simplified online version first

However, this Android version, besides working offline, can also give you more detailed information and it also allows you to extract APKs directly from your Android device.

Main features include:

  • extract dalvik bytecode, so you can better analyze how a specific app works
  • share APK file (if you share it to your google drive, you'll be able to easily download it to any device)
  • find which technologies & frameworks the developers used to develop the apps on your Android device (this app can reliably detect some of the popular technologies, like e.g.Unity 3D, Ionic framework, Godot, and others)
  • extract binary xml of AndroidManifest.xml
  • show size and package name of Android app
  • find from which app store a particular app was installed (this is not displayed if an app was installed manually, e.g.with ADB)
  • read the build versionCode
  • versionName
  • installation date (Could be date of app install after APK shared via Power Apk Extractor)
  • date of last update
  • linux user id
  • minimal supported Android version that this APK file (app) can run on
  • which activities, services, receivers, providers the Android app contains
  • requested permissions
  • signature/certificate information that the APK is signed with
  • list and extract files resources inside of the APK file, Shareit download APK file.

This app extracts APK files that are only allowed to be accessed by the system through the official public api and therefore does not require root permission.
However, always make sure that you comply with the license agreement of the app before you try to share app and install APK on another device!

Please note :-

If you want to install the shared APK on some other device, this device has to enable installation from unknown sources - see رابط الصفحة من هنا

This app does not require permission to write to sdcard, but you still have to make sure that you have enough free space in your internal storage before trying to extract and share an APK file..

تحميل APK النسخة v2.2 المجانية Free Download من المطور sixo

يمكنك تحميل Power Apk - Extract and Analyze APK v2.2 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن عبر متجر الأندرويد العربي.

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  1. أداة ستخراج التطبيقات وحفظها My APK‏ الحجم: 5,9MB
  2. GB Version APK Pro Tool 2023 الحجم: 566k
  3. apk editor community الحجم: 16,8MB
  4. APK Parser - editor الحجم: 20MB
  5. dFast Apk Mod Clue App الحجم: 17,6MB
  6. APK Downloader Walkthrough الحجم: 9,7MB

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