تطبيق لارسال رسائل وهمية Sending Fake SMS تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات اتصالات وإنترنت.
تحميل النسخة v1.04 المحدثة بتاريخ 2024-03-01 بحجم 238,6KB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير IdeaGames ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 2.1 and up.
pتطبيق جميل ويدعم اللغة العربية يمكنك من خلاله ان ترسل رسائل وهميةbr
فإذا كنت تريد ان تتملص من موعد او تريد ان تهرب من العمل فهذا البرنامج سوف يساعدك على ذلك لكنه لايعمل المكالمات الوهميةp
Ideal for validating small unimportant lies in situations where you are in a tight skirt or you want an excuse to leave work early or lie to the woman to go drinkingp
pImagine that you are in a boring situation and what you want out of it often lacks only an excuse or an alibi lacked good now no more missing with this app you can pretend that getting a message you can program your phone to the same touch and see the message that you want to use as an excusep
pWith this app you can send a message to your phone and the sender of the message appears to be another person or as someone else had sent him a message the message appears in the same way until the phone rings and vibrates as if you were getting a real messagep
pThis application does not use the cellular network and therefore do not spend credit you can take the test even without the sim card or when you are without creditp
pIn Message you can appear as the person who is sending or receiving the message it has situcoes you will need to mention that you have already sent a message to that person after all who does not need to speak a little lie from time to timep
pAmong other functions you can send a message with the date in the past or in the future as well as the time too and can set the time at which the message is playing to play in the event in front of the person you want to lie a littlep
pQ Because this application requests access to the internet br
A This application requests access to the internet to show ads is how to generate the same revenuep
pQ With this application I can send fake messages to other phones br
A Unfortunately there is no way to send a message to another mobile phone fake because the operator makes the validation of who is sending the message br
this application only sends a message to the fake smartphone where it installedp
pQ Can I send a message to my phone with the date in the past That is I send a message and appear with yesterdays date br
A Yes you can send a message backward just select the field quotdatequot a date on the day that you want there will appear on your br
phone as if I was being sent to that momentp
pQ How do I faso message to appear as a message has been read br
A Very simple you just open the message and it will appear as read messagep
pQ Can I select the time that the message will be sent br
A Yes the field quotin Fakequot you can select the time that the phone will ring with the messagep
pQ Can I set up for the phone does not ring or vibrate when you receive the message br
A Yes in the message registration screen has a button quotSetupquot settings where you can set these optionsp
pQ fake sms appears in the notification area of the android br
A Yes appears in the notification area of the original message as an androidp
pQ In the android has a screen where you can view an entire conversation history with that person Issuer or the sender of the message I do br
that with this application br
A Yes you can in the edit screen of the message in the quotI amquot score quotReceiverquot to mark if you had to get the message or br
quotIssuerquot as if youve been up sending the message to the person without actually beingp
pQ Is there a charge for quotshippingquot or receiving the message br
A No because the message is not sent by the network or the operator more so the application manually inserts the message in your inbox or br
output of your application very important if you plan to show the message at a specified time not to uninstall or disable br
application before receiving the messagep
pP It is very good to stay with the icon of the quotFake SMS Senderquot on mobile after sending a message how can I solve this br
A Unfortunately we can not put a quotdisfarsequot in the application to avoid being recognized the same functionality however exitem applications br
Play Store that do you can download one and use it to hide the real function of this applicationp
لارسال رسائل ضبط النت فودافون لارسال رسائل مجانية لإرسال رسائل sms مجانا لارسال رسائل مجهولة المصدر ارسال رسائل للجوال لإرسال رسائل البريد الإلكتروني
موقع لارسال رسائل sms موقع لارسال رسائل sms مجانا موقع لارسال رسائل مجهولة المصدر .
تحميل APK النسخة v1.04 المجانية Free Download
يمكنك تحميل لارسال رسائل وهمية Sending Fake SMS APK v1.04 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من متجر الأندرويد العربي.
الوسوم: لارسال رسائل وهميةلارسالرسائلوهميةSendingFakeSMSSending Fake SMS Free APK AndroidSending Fake SMS