تحميل Weapon Builder Free APK لـ Android

تحميل Weapon Builder Free APK لـ Android

Weapon Builder 32109 vv5.1 Weapon Builder 32110 vv5.1 Weapon Builder 32111 vv5.1 Weapon Builder 32112 vv5.1 Weapon Builder 32113 vv5.1

لعبة Weapon Builder تنزيل APK الاصدارة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في العاب كاشجوال.
تحميل النسخة v5.1 المحدثة بتاريخ 2014-03-14 بحجم 20,9MB، هذه اللعبة من تطوير sbCreations ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 2.3 and up .

Weapon Builder is a fun app that allows the user to build a custom weapon on their Android device and export it as a graphic to share.Some key highlights of the application include;+ Choose from over 100 different parts+ Save your build so you can reload it at a later time and continue working on it+ Share your build as an image file across social media sites, email or text message+ Move items freely (no snapping) around the screen+ Pinch to zoom into specific areas+ Place items on top or behind other items on the screen by using the bring up or send back feature+ Rotate and Flip items+ Intuitive options menu is activated when an item is selected+ Color picker menu to change item colors--------------------------------Pro (Ad-free) version is available with over 350 parts! It is available at; رابط الصفحة من هنا Builder available on the app store at; رابط الصفحة من هنا Info--------18Feb2014 - Version 23: Added a button dedicated to adding magazines to your buildFixed bug causing images to save twice-------------------------------16Feb2014 - Version 22: Added 14 new receivers including more bolt action rifles Fixed bug causing flipped items not to save their flipped state on loading a saved build-------------------------------16Feb2014 - Version 21: +Fixed bug causing database to crash app, sadly any old save games will have to be recreated -------------------------------15Feb2014 - Version 19: + Added color picker to change item colors (this isn& perfect as it shades the item but there is some creative functionality it adds)+ Added ability to input name for save builds+ Modified options menu to display at top of the screen on smaller device screens+ Fixed various bugs causing app to crash on some devices---------------------------------15Feb2014 - Version 17: Fixed save build bug causing a single barrel to constantly load---------------------------------13Feb2014 - Version 16: MAJOR update + Improved movement controls + Scale images on demand using pinch gesture + Rotate images on demand using gesture (must enable the items rotate toggle) + Removed zoom screen due to ability to scale each item independently + Improved screen layout added menu to bottom + Removed drag to trashcan to remove item, now just tap item and tap remove-------------------------------09Feb2014 - Version 15: Minor bug fix-------------------------------10Feb2014 - Version 14: Added 23 new items including multiple scopes. Added pinch to zoom functionality. Scaled the items so they would fit better on smaller screens -------------------------------09Feb2014 - Version 13: Addressed bug causing an ad to constantly pop up after being closed-------------------------------06Feb2014 - Version 12: Fixed bug causing app to crash occasionally, added tweak to assist in moving small items-------------------------------06Feb2014 - Version 11: Added a rotate and flip function for items, added a few more items for content-------------------------------Weapon images courtesy of Dr.Noob at رابط الصفحة من هناKeywords: Gun, rifle, gun maker, gun builder, creative weapon

Weapon Builder .

تحميل APK النسخة v5.1 المجانية Free Download

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