Download Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية للاندرويد | apk mod

Download Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية للاندرويد

Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية 1387038 v34.84 Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية 1387039 v34.84 Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية 1387040 v34.84 Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية 1387041 v34.84 Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية 1387042 v34.84

تحميل APK Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية النسخة المجانية Free Download الحجم 30M تنزيل v34.84 المحدثة بتاريخ 2020-07-17، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Language Drops ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.4 والأحدث.

What if Polish language learning would be a crazy fun game instead of the usual memorization drills With Drops, it’s an effortless and fun learning Polish experience with practical vocabulary that sticks to your memory with its catchy graphics, and quick mini-games.

The crazy part It only takes 5 minutes a day to practice Polish vocabulary. Sounds counter productive but it works like a charm! :)

These are the ingredients of our secret sauce:

100% illustrated: Images instantly carry a meaning - there’s no need to use your native language at all! Nothing in the middle to get you second guessing. It’s faster, effective, and definitely more fun for daily Polish language learning! :)

5 min sessions: Limited time for practice sounds crazy but that’s what makes it incredibly addictive – which is a cool thing for learning Polish words. There’s close to zero barrier entry for reasons not to learn. You’ll have no excuses even on the busiest day!

Effortless play: Games are addictive and fun, and we distilled these as the essence of Drops. The end result A truly immersive Polish language learning experience that is not a waste of time since while you are playing you are also building a valuable knowledge in language.

⚡Quick: Keyboarding typing is slow. With Drops, taps and rapid swipes is all you need for learning Polish. Trust us, those extra seconds are handy during the game learning session. ;)

Vocabulary only: No grammar, just curated practical words. These two are our focus and we do it pretty well! The Drops app teaches Cantonese and Mandarin too!

Forge a habit: We want to make you an addict to language learning. An established habit + an effective method is what works with Polish language! And this is the combo that Drops helps you build!

We are proud of our beautiful word pronunciations from our professional voice talents!

Drops is free to use for casual learners with 99 topics, and 1700 Polish words to choose from. Hardcore language learners can opt-in for our premium plans with unlimited learning time and to progress faster. Susbscription plans start from $2.99 per month.

Empowering people through Polish language knowledge is our goal, with Drops as a special tool that uses a universal language that we can all speak: pictures!

P.S. A friendly warning, this language learning app can really get you addicted to learning. :)

If you love Chinese Drops as much as we enjoyed building it, please leave us a review! :) Questions Contact us at.

drop تعلم .

يمكنك تحميل Drops تعلم البولندية يتكلم البولندية APK 34.84 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من دارويد . كوم.


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eventالجديد في هذا الإصدار 34.84 :

Purple is the new orange — we've made small adjustments to the look of Drops but your playing experience will remain the same. Enjoy!
Japanese and Korean have hundreds of new words! We’ve expanded the languages to include language-specific content. You can now learn the names of iconic dishes from Japan or Korea, onomatopoeic expressions, and other vocabulary related to Korean culture and Japanese culture.

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