Download Holy Bible English King James Version للاندرويد | apk

Download Holy Bible English King James Version للاندرويد

تحميل APK Holy Bible English King James Version النسخة المجانية Free Download الحجم 35M تنزيل v2.0.2 المحدثة بتاريخ 2020-11-17، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Global Bible Apps FCBH ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.1 والأحدث.

اقرأ واستمع وشاهد كلمة الله باللغة الإنجليزية على أجهزة Android!English Bible (King James Version) - New Testament with Audio

Read, listen, watch and meditate on the Word of God in English using our Bible app. This Bible app supports almost all Android devices, so it is easy for you to download and use, at no cost to you. The English Audio Bible by Faith Comes By Hearing has been integrated into our app so when you would like to listen to the audio, just press the Speaker icon from the app&39;s menu bar. The audio has been synchronized with the text and highlights each verse like karaoke when you push play. You can also start listening anywhere within a chapter by tapping on the verse you want to hear. Finally, you can watch the Gospels acted out word-for-word in the app thanks to partnership with Lumo Gospel Films.


► Watch embedded LUMO Gospel Films.
► Read the text and listen to the audio as each verse is highlighted when the audio plays.
► Bookmark and highlight your favorite verses, add notes and search for words in your Bible.
► Verse of the Day Daily Reminder - You can turn this function on or off and adjust the notification time in the app settings. You can also listen to the verse of the day, or create a Bible verse wallpaper by clicking on the notification.
► Bible Verse Wallpaper Creator - You can create beautiful wallpapers with your favorite Bible verses on attractive photo backgrounds and other customization options, then share them with your friends and on social media.
► Swipe to navigate chapters.
► Night Mode for reading when dark (good for your eyes.)
► Click and share Bible verses with your friends via Whatsapp, Facebook, E-mail, SMS etc.
► Designed to run on all versions of Android devices.
► No additional font installation required (renders complex scripts well.)
► New user interface with Navigation drawer menu.
► Adjustable font size and easy to use interface.

Compatibility: This App is optimized for Android 10.0. However, it should run well on devices with versions 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and higher.

Please feel free to share this app with your friends and relatives. Your ratings and reviews will motivate us to make this app better. If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to write to

Global Bible App developed published by : Faith Comes By Hearing.

Download Global Bible Apps in other languages from Google Play Store or FCBH Global Bible App APK Store.

Read, Listen and Watch God&39;s Word in more than 1300 languages and download free Audio Bibles at رابط الصفحة من هنا.

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يمكنك تحميل Holy Bible English King James Version APK 2.0.2 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من دارويد . كوم.


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schedule متوفرة مجاناً android أندرويد 4.1 والأحدث update Nov 17 2020
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التحميل متوفر مباشرةً من متجر دارويد العربي ولكننا ننصح بالتحميل من الماركت الافتراضي لهاتفك اذا توفر لديك حساب. info
يرجى قراءة تفاصيل التطبيق جيداً

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eventالجديد في هذا الإصدار 2.0.2 :

New Features and Improvements:
Verse of the Day Daily Reminder - User can turn on/off and set the time in the app settings.
Verse on Image - User can select background image and customise font, text etc.
Bug fixes and minor improvements.

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