تحميل Time Warp Scan - Face Scanner Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل Time Warp Scan - Face Scanner Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Time Warp Scan Face Scanner تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات تصوير وفوتوغرافي.
تحميل النسخة v1.5 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-04-29 بحجم 6.5M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Dot Code Infotech ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

كان التطبيق من أجل المتعة مثل. استخدام التطبيق لماسح الوجهWith the new Time Warp Scanner: Face Scanner you can create very funny images while the slider moves and you play in front of the camera - the only limit is your imagination!

You can try out a multitude of challenges:

- Keep the camera still while you take a forum. Twist your face and watch it melt and lengthen as if you were traveling in time.
- Put your smartphone on a table so that the background remains still. Then dance as the slider appears on the screen.
- Move a torch around you to create incredible figures.
- Sharpen your head, lengthen your fingers, cut your hair or become a deformed freak.

The Time Warp Scanner: Face Scanner is the most popular and viral challenge in the internet and you can finally use it without limits and totally free.
You can also save the results in your image gallery and share it with your friends via messaging or social networks.

How to use the Scanner Time Tunnel effect

- Choose the direction of the scanner by swiping from left to right or from top to bottom.
When the slider starts to move, move to get the desired result.
Save the image in your gallery and share it with your friends.

- In Some Country this app called del destinatario, space warp, efeito tiktok, engraçado, смешные лица, фильтр, الترشيح, التوقيف

- Time wrap scanner Face Scanner alternate of face wrap scanner so you can use same app for this Scanner

We are working on improving the application to add better effects and results. If you like the application, support us and keep it updated so you don&39;t miss out on the incredible effects we are preparing..

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تحميل APK النسخة 1.5 المجانية Free Download

يمكنك تحميل Time Warp Scan - Face Scanner APK 1.5 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن من متجر الأندرويد العربي.


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