تحميل Time Warp Scan - Face warp Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل Time Warp Scan - Face warp Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Time Warp Scan Face warp تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات تصوير وفوتوغرافي.
تحميل النسخة v4.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-05-20 بحجم 44M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير Geminix Dev ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 5.0 والأحدث.

يتيح لك Time Warp Scan إنشاء صور ومقاطع فيديو فريدة باستخدام مرشح مسح الوجهCreate funny trendy effect videos with Time Warp Scan - face scanner to become popular. You can create videos and take photos. If you want to catch up with the latest trend on social networking sites, use Time Warp Scan. It&39;s a video/image filter that is extremely popular among young people recently. Time Warp allows you to create unique faces, funny expressions, and create interesting images. One of the most popular and virally shared challenges on social media is the warp scan challenge. Time warper is also called línea del tiempo.

Time Warp Scan - Faces Warp Filter app can generate different faces and funny expressions. It can also create interesting photos using its facial warping technology. With the feature of automatically freezing the image when the blue line passes, the Time Warp scan will certainly bring you laughter and fun and interesting experiences.

Warp Scan has a feature to help you adjust the blue moving scan lines vertically or horizontally. So, no matter what, don&39;t be limited by anything. Create modern art photos with face warp&39;s amazing filter/effect.

🌟 What you can do with the Time Warp Scan app
- Challenges you can do using the time warp scan face scan effect waving line effect
- TimeWarp Scan Filter helps you create a pine tree using your phone&39;s camera. You can set up the app to trigger your jump when the blue line(warp slider) of a warp scan appears.
- The time Warp Effect makes the face transform into another form by moving the face when the scan bar slides over.
- Make the body and objects look more special by giving them a more specific shape, such as making the neck, legs, and arms. Use the Time Warp filter to lengthen or shorten or create a creative shape that suits your needs.
- Change the shape and length of your head, the length of your fingers, cutting your hair short... the way you want because of Time Warp Scan.

🌟 How to use Time Warp Scan - Face Scanner app
- It&39;s extremely easy to use a time warp scan. Time warper is the best face scan app for TikTok videos IG filters.
- First choose the orientation of the scan you want: Left to right or up to down- When time warp&39;s slider starts to move, move to create your own signature photo
- When slit-scanned, save those photos to your photo gallery and share them with relatives and friends(Fritos).

🌟 Features of Time Warp Scan - Face Scanner/
✔️ Support HD Resolution
✔️ Filters for videos pictures
✔️ No more blurry pictures
✔️ Make the body, and objects look more special.
✔️ Swipe right or down to choose the direction for scanning
✔️ Save pictures and videos to the gallery
✔️ Time Warp Effect makes the face transform into a different shape by moving the face as the scan bar slides over.
✔️ Change the way you look, lengthen your fingers, and/or cut your hair short. the way you want because of Time Warp Scan
✔️ You can share your time warp scan photos video with your friends(Fritos) via Tik Tok, Snapchat, Facebook, Facebook Messenger WhatsApp, Instagram, Like, and many other apps.

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تحميل APK النسخة 4.0 المجانية Free Download

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