تحميل FaceJoy - Face Yoga Exercise Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل FaceJoy - Face Yoga Exercise Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Face Joy Face Yoga Exercise تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات الصحة واللياقة البدنية.
تحميل النسخة v1.2.0(120) المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-07-24 بحجم 46,1MB، هذا التطبيق من تطوير FEMOMETER LIMITED ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 7.0 والأحدث.

العناية بالبشرة والتدريبات والتدليك للذقن المزدوجة والهالات السوداء ونتائج شد البشرةLet&39;s do a natural and fresh facial boost with FaceJoy!
Exclusive 7 days program based on your facial skin condition,
FaceJoy is a personalized beautification face exercise app designed to give you a perfect visage by offering specially tailored face yoga courses.

An incentive system helps you persist
Just 8 mins a day
Visible effects in a short time

- FaceJoy will give you detailed and personalized face exercise courses recommendation according to your facial skin issues. Our smart coach system can generate a special 7-day face fitness program with your given information to offer you a naturally lifted, toned, healthier and fresh look.
- FaceJoy&39;s Facial Diary motivates you to monitor your skin condition after training. By doing our face yoga courses, your skin will improve day by day. So keep track of your daily facial image, then you can see an impressive change after a short time.
- FaceJoy&39;s incentive system encourages you to keep practicing every day and offers you a sense of satisfaction by visual progress record.

Our face yoga fitness courses are scientifically designed, focus on various objectives:
- Double chin reducing - stretch neck and chin area, stimulate blood circulation and tight up against your muscles
- Anti-aging - aim at reducing the lines and wrinkles on your face, like laugh lines, replace them with a younger, fresher you.
- Skin firmness - boost facial elasticity and refresh your skin
- Skin Spa - focus on relaxing your face muscles

Do Facial exercises really work
- Yes! All you need to do is to add 8 minutes to your morning routine and you can see a glorious face after 7 days!

How do facial exercises work
- Increase the blood circulation, awaking less used muscles
- Let more oxygen and more nourishment reach the cells of the skin and keep your skin clear of toxins
- Remove tension and stress in the muscles
- Stimulate collagen production
- Improve cell renewal

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تحميل APK النسخة 1.2.0(120) المجانية Free Download

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