تحميل Emf Detector Free APK للاندرويد

تحميل Emf Detector Free APK للاندرويد

تطبيق Emf Detector تنزيل APK النسخة المجانية Free Download للاندرويد في تطبيقات شخصية.
تحميل النسخة v1.0 المحدثة بتاريخ 2022-02-09 بحجم 12M، هذا التطبيق من تطوير App Technest ومتوافق مع هواتف Android 4.1 والأحدث.

Emf Detector with Meter هي أداة ستجعل هاتفك كاشف مغناطيسي

The magnetic sensor is an internal part that is not easy to identify as it is on a compass or a basic smartphone.
Emf Detector with Compass and Meter is a tool that will make your phone a magnet detector with a compass and a needle meter.

Can you detect the different kinds of frequencies emitted by those appliances? This is possible without human interaction and without the need for anything else.
Just install a detector app, open yourself up to the various frequencies, and you will soon find out whether you can or cannot see them or feel them with your skin.
Everything from microwaves to cell phones and from appliances to transmission towers uses electromagnetic radiation.
Such devices emit a range of frequencies that can affect the human body in various ways and lead to disease.

It also has an inbuilt feature that can detect magnetic fields and devices touching your phone -All-in-One Gadget-Now you have the ability to detect EMF, magnetic fields, and devices with just one device.
Powered by your phone, this app is a great product for those who are sensitive to EMF and electromagnetic radiation from devices.

Take an innovative approach to detecting EMF radiation by utilizing your mobile device&39;s compass and sensor.

The Emf Detector has the ability to detect magnetic fields from the Earth and from various devices around you.
It also features a magnetic needle meter and a classic needle indicator.
It’s a great app to detect the strength of magnetic fields from devices around you to make sure that you’re not getting any strong EMF radiation.
Pick one up for your kids or for your own protection!

EMF is the abbreviation for the electromagnetic field.
Simply put, the electromagnetic field is the invisible world of includes the power lines, smartphones, and WiFi around us.
Long story short, it&39;s not good for you, the app displays the reading with a line of LEDs and a classic needle meter.

A magnetic sensor compass is a perfect tool for the educational and health industries, but with new regulations now on the horizon, it&39;s now more important than ever for everyone to stay tuned to the electromagnetic radiation exposure that smartphones emit.
EMF Detector is easy to use and displays results in easy-to-understand colors.

The world can be a frightening and dangerous place with all the gizmos, gadgets, and modern technology operating around us in “non-stop mode”, but we don’t have to take a chance.
Use this EMF Detector to check your surroundings for the presence of signals like cell towers and radio waves that are very similar to the body’s natural electromagnetic field.

Ever noticed that the more you clean, the more dirt comes back and the grime is on your hands? The technology and products that have been designed to clean our environment are not only thorough, but it’s also getting worse.
Since this technology isn’t as efficient as it could be, the devices are getting dirtier.
The technology we use to clean also emits electromagnetic waves and radiation that could be doing a lot of harm to our wellbeing.

Prevents harmful effects on health like EMFs and identify magnetic objects around you

The app works by determining your current position in relation to nearby ferrous metals, or the presence of a magnetic field.
The detected amount of metals could indicate the presence of nearby magnets or metal devices..

تحميل APK النسخة 1.0 المجانية Free Download من المطور App Technest

يمكنك تحميل Emf Detector APK 1.0 لـ Android مجاناً Free Download الآن عبر متجر الأندرويد العربي.

إذا وجدت أن التطبيق غير مناسب لك فإليك بعض التطبيقات البديلة أو المشابهة لEmf Detector:

  1. Gold scanner | Gold detector الحجم: 5,7MB
  2. Gold Finder - Metal Detector الحجم: 6MB
  3. Metal Detector- Gold tracker الحجم: 14MB
  4. EMF Radiation Detector meter الحجم: 6.3M
  5. Gold Detector and Gold scanner الحجم: 6,1MB
  6. wire detector Stud detector الحجم: 6.0M

الكلمات الدلالية والوسوم للبحث والحصول على Emf Detector

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schedule متوفرة مجاناً android أندرويد 4.1 والأحدث update Feb 09 2022
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